Valuation Coverage
There are 3 options of coverage for your household goods and property:
Basic Liability – A household good carrier’s liability for loss or damage to any shipment is $0.60 per pound per article. Any Labor only jobs will be covered under this Basic Liability only while in our care. (does not cover any property damage)
Check with your home/renters insurance.
Replacement value coverage – Covers household goods and property damage. It is defined by the following guide. Only one can be chosen.
Current value of item with deprecation factored in.
The cost of restoring the item back to its beginning integrity.
The cost of replacing the item with the same item that was damaged.
What We Cover
Contents in boxes packaged by Mindful Movers.
Furniture that is prepped (disassembled, wrapped in furniture blankets, and secured with tape or shrink wrap) by Mindful Movers.
Furniture that has all contents removed from inside of it.
Damage to the Property Guidelines
Home Protection supplied by Mindful Movers must be chosen for any property coverage to be applied; OR client must provide full protection for floors, doors, doorways, stairs and railings for Mindful Movers to assume any responsibility.
All furniture, equipment and large items must padded and securely wrapped for any property coverage to be applied.
Repairs to property that are needed will be submitted to Mindful Movers.
The client has to get 2 different quotes for repairs to the damage to property or Mindful Movers will contract out the repairs to be completed.
If damage occurs to home structure being sold or end of lease/rental term (within agreed upon conditions):
Mindful Movers is only responsible for coordinating repair or compensating for cost to repair damage.
If customer agrees to pay a fee to continue closing/end of lease process, Mindful Movers will not be responsible for said fee. Only for coordinating repair or compensating for cost to repair damage.
If customer enters escrow agreement, Mindful Movers will coordinate repair or compensate for repair cost as coordinated by customer whom hired Mindful Movers
For compensation on behalf of Mindful Movers to be given, customer must provide payment receipts to vendor for service.
Client’s deductible is: $250.00 for any plan chosen.
Valuation 1 $2,500 in Coverage: $125 non-refundable payment.
Valuation 2 $5,000 in Coverage: $250 non-refundable payment.
Valuation 3 $10,000 in Coverage: $375 non-refundable payment.
Valuation 4 $15,000 in Coverage: $500 non-refundable payment.
Valuation 5 $20,000 in Coverage: $625 non-refundable payment.
Full Value Protection
If any article is lost, destroyed or damaged while in Mindful Mover’s custody, we will, at our discretion, offer to do one (1) of the following for each item:
Repair the item;
Replace with a similar item; or
Make a cash settlement for the cost of the repair or the current market replacement value. This is determined by finding the estimated cost of a new, comparable item to the one lost. Then subtract an amount from the item based on its condition and desirability.
Full Valuation Coverage - Plan A ($200)
Can opt out and receive free minimum valuation protection ($0.60 per pound).
$2,500 in Coverage: $250 Deductible
Home Protection 1
Requires a 2 person crew minimum.
2-Door Jamb Protectors, 1-Full Door Cover, 3-Floor Runners, 2-6ft Bannister Covers. This includes 15 mins of labor time to setup at each location (2 max).
Full Valuation Coverage - Plan B ($375)
Can opt out and receive lesser or free minimum valuation protection ($0.60 per pound per article).
$5,000 in Coverage: $250 Deductible
Home Protection 2
Requires a 3 person crew minimum.
4-Door Jamb Protectors, 2-Full Door Cover, 6-Floor Runners, 4-6ft Bannister Covers. This includes 15 mins of labor time to setup at each location (2 max).
Full Valuation Coverage - Plan C ($725)
Can opt out and receive lesser or free minimum valuation protection ($0.60 per pound per article).
$10,000 in Coverage: $250 Deductible
Home Protection 3
Requires a 4 person crew minimum.
6-Door Jamb Protectors, 3-Full Door Cover, 9-Floor Runners, 6-6ft Bannister Covers. This includes 15 mins of labor time to setup at each location (2 max). Any additional time will be a part of labor assistance.
Full Valuation Coverage - Plan D ($975)
Can opt out and receive lesser or free minimum valuation protection ($0.60 per pound per article).
$15,000 in Coverage: $250 Deductible
Home Protection 4
Requires a 4 person crew minimum.
8-Door Jamb Protectors, 4-Full Door Cover, 12-Floor Runners, 8-6ft Bannister Covers. This includes 15 mins of labor time to setup at each location (2 max). Any additional time will be a part of labor assistance.
Full Valuation Coverage - Plan E ($1250)
Can opt out and receive lesser or free minimum valuation protection ($0.60 per pound per article).
$20,000 in Coverage: $250 Deductible
Home Protection 5
Requires a 4 person crew minimum.
10-Door Jamb Protectors, 5-Full Door Cover, 15-Floor Runners, 10-6ft Bannister Covers. This includes 30 mins of labor time to setup at each location (2 max). Any additional time will be a part of labor assistance.